Business Writing & Email Etiquette
with Michael Strawser
Welcome to Business Writing & Email Etiquette!
Thank you for joining this online course dedicated to helping participants be more effective writers in the workplace.
The course is designed to be on your own time using primarily webinar-style content and self-paced activities. The course includes 40 minutes of webinar-style content and interactive business writing practice.
The course has one module.
Business Writing
The purpose of this module is to give you a new perspective regarding business writing, email etiquette, and basic editing. The goal is not to make you a 'Grammar-Expert', instead it is to help you refine your message and understand your audience when sending text-based messages at work.
1) Gain a more detailed understanding of business writing
2) Understand email etiquette
Online Class
For more info, call us at (740) 710-1130